
Introduction (1/4)

My name is Breda. My working life was spent as a community development worker; focusing mainly on early education/child development.
I come from, and also have, a large family. I grew up in a rural part of Co. Wexford and have always loved to forage. As a child it was so much fun to go picking mushrooms, blackberries and damsons.
Since my early twenties, I have not missed a year making jam in the fruit season. I always make blackberry/apple jam. When available, I make crab apple jelly, damson jam and lots of chutney. In recent years I have progressed to making Elderberry produce; jelly and cough syrup.
Last year I discovered a new free fruit source - Sea Buck-thorn berries. Actually, my grandchildren told me about them. They had been on an environmental walk and heard about the benefits of these bright orange fruits.